Sunday, December 25, 2011

Putri Nisrina Nabiha - New heart born for Puan Izyan and Fadhli

Dear Fwenz,

After almost a year i have'nt meet my best fwen, finally i met her today for her baby day out! Ya Allah, Yan ko da jd ummii daaaaaaaaaaaaa...comelnyer anak ko...uollss nak tgk x anak her..tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa..please see below
alalalalalalla..tomey2...she's only 2 months ++...i believe she's growing in greatly like her ummi and ayah...Amin...bila i tgk her, i felt like i can't wait to have baby very soon..tp tue la..i akan kawen bulan 3 2012 then boley buat anak n dapat anak..yeayyyyyyy!!pray for my bless all..anyway, back to the story, td i da tried to pegang and dukung her..alalalalallalaloloalalo..sweett nyee..uolls nak tgk i ade bakat x...please see below..he he he he..(berangan lebey!)..
cool x i...??Ms Rocky tgh cube memegang baby dengan jayanyaa..auwwwwwww!! Mase i pegang she td. she was sleeping...gerammm!!rase cam nak bawak her balik jek..hehehehh..anyway uollss pernah dgr x org puti cakap ape pasal baby kalo dieorg tdo ni..." There was never a child so lovely that his/her mother wasn't glad to get him to sleep". Ralph Waldo Emerson...

So in summary all, kindly believe that a baby is born with the need to be love and never outgrows it  and they are like the beginning of all things, hope, a dream of possibilities..i nak baby jugakkkkkkkkk nnt pas kawenn...Syg Acai..please give me "good product of you ok!! I kxkesah baby boy ke baby boy....hehehhe..

Hug & Kissess,


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Year of 2012 is just around the corner peeps!!

Dear all,

How are you awesome (s)?is everything OKAYYYYYYYYY??Holiday season has come!!hope everyone enjoying these wonderful time..Anyway all, it is a long time i x update my blog..kalo i xingat password jek, i keep changing my blog..arghhh!!till when kan..however, Alhamdullilah..finally i da ingat my password and it is M**6***A***..Happy nyerr..i found my password at the end of the year..ahahahhah

By the way, as the year of 2011 winds down.. it is also to celebrate our efforts and accomplishment for this year..I am so thankfull to Allah for all his blessing and gifts for this year and  I'm still alive for over 26 going to 27!!...Ya Allah..how time fliesssssssssss...

Last but not least..BABAIIIII 2011 and WELCOME new brand 2012!!

Hug n Kissess,
Jelita Aishah

Friday, May 6, 2011

The E

A beginning chapter of "Taman Yg Maikin Berbunga2" 
 Alhamdullilah...12032011 lalu..tersarung sudah cincin tunang dijari manisku <3....for uolls info...itula bakal makmentua den...xlama lg jd makmentua betol2 da..heheh...mmg rase sgt berbeza bila da tunang...yela..skang kene la belajar2 jd bakal isteri yg soleha...InsyaAllah...aritu mase tunang..tema macam2..ade peachgold la..ade purple la..ade pink putih la..dan sebagaiiiiiinyaaaaaaa..huhuhu...tgk la gambo kat bawah nie hantaran@ semasa tunang :)

Doakan kebahgian kami..Luv u syg... <3 <3 <3

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Love You Ya Allah

Salam all,

I owez love Allah..hari2 Allah turunkan rezeki kepada kiter semua..Thank You Allah :)

As time goes by...finally i find my way..Ya Allah...terima kasih diatas segala apa yg diberikan oleh Mu Ya Allah..tunjukkan lah aku jalan yang lurus dan diredhoi...permudahkan segala perjalanan ku serta keluarga ku Ya Allah..sesungguhnya hanya padaMu aku memohon dan berserah...

Aku teringat kata-kata dari boss aku yang jalan ke syurga mudah jek..buat apa yang patut buat...

Alhamdullilah :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What A bad Day

To many thing happened yg xbest today...really i mmg sgt la rapuh n  chegeng...hmmmm... sooooo stress and demotivated...tp biasa la tue..dat's life kan...nnt la I tulis lagi..nak g basuh muka n gosok gigi jap..muka da lebam2 da nangis..wouuuuuuu..sgt x cool kalo nangis OK..muka so burukkkkkkkkkk

Monday, November 15, 2010

...:Wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Haji:...

Salam all,

Esok umat Islam seluruh dunia akan menyambut perayaan Eid Adha (The Feast Of Sacrifie) which is salah satu hari kebesaran umat Islam

Seperti yang semua sedia maklum, peristiwa dimana Nabi Ibrahim a.s sanggup mengorbankan anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s demi KASIH dan CINTAnya kepada Allah S.W.T demi mengerjakan perintah dan tuntutanNYA  yang akhirnya seekor biri-biri menjadi korban.

Pengorbanan inilah yang harus kita contohi - sanggup mengetepikan kepentingan diri sendiri demi mematuhi perintahNYA. Kita juga mampu berkorban dan jangan sesekali kita mementingkan perasaan diri sendiri dan sanggup meningkari Perintah Allah S.W.T

Sememangnya sejarah banyak mengejar kita akan erti pengorbanan, kesabaran,kekuataan jua tidak dilupa KETAQWAAN kita kepada Allah S.W.T

So geng marilah kita bersama-sama BERTASBIH & BERTAKBIR di hari yg mulia ini

"Eid-ul-Adha - commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's unselfish act of sacrificing his son Ishmael to God. This important holiday is celebrated at the end of Hajj, which is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Send free Eid ul Adha Cards to all your  friends and loved ones from our collection."

With these blessed and flowers May Allah bring happiness and Joy to all of you

Akhir kata, Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha..Drive safely ye kawan-kawan..Jgn sampai anda yg terkorban di jalan raya..<pesanan ringkas dari I..;) Amin

Never Sleep at Office

Dear all,

Did anyone sleep well last nite?If YES that would be GREAT..

Something happened to me last nite.. I coud'nt sleep at all...I have tried to make my selft tired by walking all ways around in the house and sitting up here n there..( a bit jek la)..but still I CAN'T...Like most nite, I sleep like a dead you knoe...

Anyway peeps, Eventhough I could'nt sleep well last nite I NEVER SLEEP IN THE OFFICE..BE DEDICATED, FOCUS & GOOD EMPLOYEE..*yela baru kan..kene la baik ckit..So ladies and gentleman if you get sleepy in the office ..go to the Ladies & Gents-wash ur face, drink nescafe or wateva u like, stay tune,smile for 25 hours in a day n Positive...Owez put ur work as a PRIORITY....Kalo nak pikir tido and ngantok sampai ujung dunia pn xkan puaskan uolss...

What I can say...xbest pn tido kat office...sakit badan..tido kat umah lg beshhhh...Chaiyok all..."Work 1st, Performance now, sleep whenever necesseary.. OK"

Owh it's almost 7.30 pm already...I m leaving all....
