Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What A bad Day

To many thing happened yg xbest today...really i mmg sgt la rapuh n  chegeng...hmmmm... sooooo stress and demotivated...tp biasa la tue..dat's life kan...nnt la I tulis lagi..nak g basuh muka n gosok gigi jap..muka da lebam2 da nangis..wouuuuuuu..sgt x cool kalo nangis OK..muka so burukkkkkkkkkk

Monday, November 15, 2010

...:Wishing you Selamat Hari Raya Haji:...

Salam all,

Esok umat Islam seluruh dunia akan menyambut perayaan Eid Adha (The Feast Of Sacrifie) which is salah satu hari kebesaran umat Islam

Seperti yang semua sedia maklum, peristiwa dimana Nabi Ibrahim a.s sanggup mengorbankan anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s demi KASIH dan CINTAnya kepada Allah S.W.T demi mengerjakan perintah dan tuntutanNYA  yang akhirnya seekor biri-biri menjadi korban.

Pengorbanan inilah yang harus kita contohi - sanggup mengetepikan kepentingan diri sendiri demi mematuhi perintahNYA. Kita juga mampu berkorban dan jangan sesekali kita mementingkan perasaan diri sendiri dan sanggup meningkari Perintah Allah S.W.T

Sememangnya sejarah banyak mengejar kita akan erti pengorbanan, kesabaran,kekuataan jua tidak dilupa KETAQWAAN kita kepada Allah S.W.T

So geng marilah kita bersama-sama BERTASBIH & BERTAKBIR di hari yg mulia ini

"Eid-ul-Adha - commemorates Prophet Ibrahim's unselfish act of sacrificing his son Ishmael to God. This important holiday is celebrated at the end of Hajj, which is an annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Send free Eid ul Adha Cards to all your  friends and loved ones from our collection."

With these blessed and flowers May Allah bring happiness and Joy to all of you

Akhir kata, Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidil Adha..Drive safely ye kawan-kawan..Jgn sampai anda yg terkorban di jalan raya..<pesanan ringkas dari I..;) Amin

Never Sleep at Office

Dear all,

Did anyone sleep well last nite?If YES that would be GREAT..

Something happened to me last nite.. I coud'nt sleep at all...I have tried to make my selft tired by walking all ways around in the house and sitting up here n there..( a bit jek la)..but still I CAN'T...Like most nite, I sleep like a dead you knoe...

Anyway peeps, Eventhough I could'nt sleep well last nite I NEVER SLEEP IN THE OFFICE..BE DEDICATED, FOCUS & GOOD EMPLOYEE..*yela baru kan..kene la baik ckit..So ladies and gentleman if you get sleepy in the office ..go to the Ladies & Gents-wash ur face, drink nescafe or wateva u like, stay tune,smile for 25 hours in a day n Positive...Owez put ur work as a PRIORITY....Kalo nak pikir tido and ngantok sampai ujung dunia pn xkan puaskan uolss...

What I can say...xbest pn tido kat office...sakit badan..tido kat umah lg beshhhh...Chaiyok all..."Work 1st, Performance now, sleep whenever necesseary.. OK"

Owh it's almost 7.30 pm already...I m leaving all....


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bestie Eva

Are guyz completely trust your besties??Would u ppl be 120% certain that they are not talking behind your back...??erkss...If the answer is YES without think twice or  even pausing to think about it...dat's super awesome!..However if u're not confidence that ur besties is on ur side when needed ..then just forget about it..LET IT BE...Anyway peeps..besties who are users and self-interested can be easily trace and spot..If it is really clear, u juz MOVE ON ....
Anyway, give a damm wat ppl says if u think that ur besties r awesome n u r super lucky to have them...Is not easy to be A GOOD FWENZ INSTEAD...so, how to make sure that u r the better besties..
  • Be supportive 
  • Be understandable
  • I f u dun wan to talk w ur besties while u get mad w her...DONT TALK FOR A MOMENT...give ur selft n herselft time n space to recover..
                                                                                                            Marvelous Eva..hu~

Happening Eva Fwenz..Geng ble la Cik nak lepak Kedah n Perak nie??

Sweet sunshine Fwenz Eva
                        My heart soul Fwenz..Miz u Mai

Ayam's Team Eva--Auwwwwww...

Superb Eva..Ghambate Ladies

My sincere heart fwenz Eva!-Mis u sgt Az...Hope 2 c u again :)

          Supportive dearies Fwenz Eva-Bile nak lepak nie korg??

The coolest fwenz Eva...wey korg!!Rindu laaaaaaaaaaa kat korg!

You ppl owez being Princess In my Heart & Soul...What a sweet memory of child.. ;) 


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Please Advice For my Big Day nnt...

Salam all..knoe wat..now I da realize yang bukan senang nak kawen..byk duit kene pakai...baju pengantin la, pelamin la,kenduri la..bunga telur la dan macam2 lagi..WoWiiiiiiiiii..byk nyer duit nak keluar..duit yg masok jek x la sebanyak duit yg nak keluar..Seriously I have to start saving from now...mmg I used to membazir,,tatau la duit2 tue g mana..ble da makin tua nie baru la terasa yang alamak such as waste jek selama nie apa yg I buat ngan duit2 gaji yg dapat tue..I need help and advice in terms of wedding preparation, expenses, wedding design n anything related to the wedding stuff!..hmmmmmmmm....So many things in mind..so many ideas to be proposed too..I just dun knoe how to get started..owh kawan2..pleaseeeeeeee advice me....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Everyday is just awesome!.

You knoe what, a tremendous number of people in the world (please take note :  including Malaysia) work very hard at something that bores them. Even a rich man thinks he has to go down to the office everyday, x because he likes it but because he can't think of anything else to do. It same goes as day on monday..everybody realize that monday comes faster than Friday..oh damn it!..well we have to go through that Mr. Monday aite...it happens every week man..haiya mmg can't run...semakin lari semakin ia mendekati..auwch!

No matter is monday or tuesday or wednesday , or Khamis or Friday , Saturday and sunday...Everyday there's something that reminds me why I m here, why can't I be there, Why should I...I am very grateful to Allah that my eyes flutter everyday...for me everyday is just awesome!.. do you believe that everyday hold the possibility of a miracle..n owez remember that everyday happiness is a way of travel, not a destination.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

No more Hoya Time!

Korg from deep of my heart & soul..really I miz u ols..seriusly I m x happy there...no body I can trust to..no body I can talk to..no body I can share to...I miss those moments w u peeps! x more hoya2 time to spend on...korg..wawawwa..ak kuat kan...every morning g keje x semangat cam dulu...x happy cam dulu..Keep praying moga ak kuat!seriusly windu korg sgt... :(...Have no friends not equal to myself...
Ak memerlukan korg utk setiap langkah yg akan dilalui ini..ahakq!waaawawawaw..asal gua jiwang sgt nie beb....windu nak mkn kat Mamak yg kiter selalu gadoh tue..kedai Nasi Lemak yg pondok kecik tue..makan lunch kat tepi yg sedap tue..juga rindu nak tido dalam surau yg cam budak sekolah asrama tue...rinduuuuuuuuuuu...sunyi nyer ak di sini.. :(...Tidak dilupa rindu nak lepak kat Bilik Kelisa n Pn Indra....

A moment where everybody is waiting for...

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person..Will you marry me ??..it is a powerful thing to say to a girl/lover..
They look like Romeo and Juliet, Made for each other...
In which the true Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction...wink..wink..wink..
For what eva reasons..choose your love and love your choice..

..:I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past:...

After so long I have finally decided to become more active on my blog instead this is my 3rd blog existence...bukannya apa.. i lupa password my previous blog tue..Anyway, I started to realize yg there are lots of loopholes to improve in my life..I've amazed and  I really enjoy reading other people's blogs and how serius they are to improve their life...Really it's boosting up my minimal confident to be what I want..I just dun knoe how to get started..Thanks to Allah for His Gift to me..Really I want to get married soon...and the right tiem for me to work hard...Chairil as well..

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

"In life, many thoughts are born in the course of a moment, an hour, a day. Some are dreams, some visions. Often, we are unable to distinguish between them. To some, they are the same; however, not all dreams are visions. Much energy is lost in fanciful dreams that never bear fruit. But visions are messages from the Great Spirit, each for a different purpose in life. Consequently, one person's vision may not be that of another. To have a vision, one must be prepared to receive it, and when it comes, to accept it. Thus when these inner urges become reality, only then can visions be fulfilled. The spiritual side of life knows everyone's heart and who to trust."

Dearest Chairil....hope my dream on you will last forever... :)

"Today Was A Fairytale" by Taylor Swift

Monday, September 13, 2010

Miracles Happen~ the Princess Diaries

sayang kamu sudah!

It was the starting point where finally both of us admitted that from da 1st time we met....miracle happened...mmg so terkejut...previously, i knew him n he knews me...tp 2 la...mgkn masa tue Tuhan x tunjukkan jalan lg...now...i see da clear path already...Tengs to Allah for all of His rezeki...syg i mmg harap our relationship lasting 4ever n ever ok...buang yg keruh ambil yg jernih...erksss...do i so jiwang??anyway....it is just started...pray 4 da goodness la kan...

However dearest, i luv them too...tengs 4 being so understanble...and everybody knows that i luv her too...syg....doa byk2 4 our happiness ok....
these all pretiest gals owez sokong kiter dari belakang n depan n tepi juga....not 2 forget my awin bucuk down there..

True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice."

and for u syg..."you're my morning sun who makes me smile each day i wake up and you're my shining moon who sings me to sleep every night"